They might be done trying to whack Trump before the election but I doubt it, simply because they’ve put so much effort into killing him, why stop trying now? They might be getting tired of using “contractors”, though, because these efforts not only keep failing, they keep exposing the puppet masters. For instance, there’s some interesting revelations coming out about Ryan Routh, the latest failed assassin, his travels, his weapons inventory. Just like Thomas Crooks, things don’t add up.

One thing that strikes me is all the openly hostile commentary coming out of the mouths of Congressmen, anywhere from “He should be eliminated”, “something must be done about him”, right down to the nitty gritty, straight up, “he should be killed”. Then, after all this mostly illegal rhetoric, golly gee, someone actually tried to kill him, we should tone down our rhetoric, we’re rousing up the lunatics.

No, they’re making excuses in advance of the planned assassination attempts. They’re gulling the public into expecting these attacks and believing they’re by lone nutjobs.

But if they’re going to get the job done right, they may have to bring in the true professionals, no matter how bad it looks. This can’t bother them too much, look at the blatant way they stole the election, closing down the counting in the wee hours of morning, something absolutely unheard of that was never done before, and then opening back up again with a massive vote shift in favor of the guy no one wanted. If they’d do that and get away with it, and they did, they might just simply hit him with a missile or drop a bomb on him from a drone, and worry about the fallout later.

After all, the goal is to get rid of him. They’d rather keep the public outrage to a minimum, but they’re getting away with everything else they do, all they need is a good diversion after the fact, and they really don’t even need that.

Nope, I think trying to finesse his death may be a lost cause that’s about to give way to brute force. If necessary they can just murder all the witnesses, afterward. Time will tell, and there’s not much time left.


Thousands of the latest model of pager have just exploded simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria, all of which were owned exclusively by Hezbollah members, shortly after an assassination attempt by Hezbollah on a former top Israeli security official was thwarted by the Shin Bet Israeli security force.

There are hundreds, possibly a thousand injuries, many of them very serious and some of them critical. The Iranian envoy in Lebanon was hurt and at least one death is reported. A review of tech sites commenting on this shows general agreement that the tiny batteries in these pagers could not have generated the explosions, that this is a “supply chain” attack wherein the explosives and circuit modifications necessary to detonate them would have been inserted prior to delivery to Hezbollah for distribution.

No proof has been offered that Israel was behind this, but every possible finger is being pointed at them as the most likely culprit.

This puts Hezbollah in a serious bind. Now they have no pagers. They’re already afraid to use cell phones, so their ability to maintain communication with each other and coordinate attacks is severely compromised, and will be for some time yet. They’ll have to get new pagers, and they’ll have to open every one of them to make sure they’re not rigged, and what if they explode upon opening? That would be a logical move.

It’s one thing to terrorize people by shooting rockets at them. It’s another thing entirely to terrorize them by exploding their most trusted devices, that they rely upon more than any other, and cause them great harm. This is true terror, this is creating paranoia that strikes deep into the heart, all those who have suffered from these blasts and survived will fear to ever put a pager or any other comm device next to their head again and they’d be right to do so.

This would make me not want to be a member of Hezbollah anymore. The injured certainly have an excuse to bow out. There’s a video up of a man in a marketplace with a heavy looking bag on a strap, hanging by his right hip. BANG, the pager blows up, the bag blows apart, pieces of paper fly through the air and the man falls down and lays there, screaming and screaming.

Now imagine you’re holding your pager in your hand when it does that. You won’t own that hand anymore.

This was a master stroke and it may not stop those in Lebanon from continuing to scheme on ways to harm Israel, but it should sure give them pause because now they know that nothing is safe. Anything they do to communicate with each other is probably compromised, could possibly kill them. No wonder the Israelis are so confident of winning a war against them.


The ladder:

A ladder was placed at the back of the building that the young wanna-be assassin used to climb on top of it to shoot Pres. Trump. Before he was shot and killed, the ladder disappeared. The story is that he bought a ladder at Home Depot the day before, so if that’s true, then we know who put that ladder there. but we don’t know who took it away. What’s certain is that it was placed there for his use and then removed, because some local police tried to see on top of the building while he was still there, and there was no way to climb up. The ladder was gone, and he was still up there.

The Snakes:

Someone is hissing secrets. Trumps golfing outing was a last-minute decision, but it wasn’t long before another wanna-be assassin, Ryan Routh, was hiding in the bushes waiting for a chance to shoot him. Who tipped him off?

Who shot at Routh first? The Secret Service did but missed and they also shot Thomas Crooks, the chump who was on the roof, or so we’re told, though I’m long past taking anything from the media or government at their word. But if this is true, and the Secret Service has a record of loyalty to the job, then it does look like the snakes are Homeland Security and the FBI.

I keep saying that they’re going to kill him, not that I want them to, I certainly don’t, but the Leftists themselves keep saying “kill him”, in those words. How can we not take them seriously? This latest attempt was by another obvious amateur, just like the last guy was. He had a scope but it wasn’t mounted on his rifle, maybe he just used it for identifying his target but he was 300-500 yards away from Trump and hitting a target with open sights at that distance would be an incredible feat for the best of marksmen. He fired four shots, all missed hitting anyone and I figure he took the chance to shoot then because it didn’t look like he would be able to get any closer.

Both of these efforts to shoot Trump reek of connivance. They didn’t act alone, they both had outside help. They both appear to be acting on their own but clearly are not, and my conclusion is that they’re being drawn from a long FBI list of radicals and fanatics scattered across the country. Using a local nutjob makes it look a lot more spontaneous than if they have to bring people in from far off. Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby are great examples of exactly this.

I doubt Mr. Routh has much longer to live. Certainly no interview of him has been made public and I’ll be amazed if one is allowed because he’s not going to be trusted to keep to the script that he acted alone.

The question now is, what will they try next to eliminate Donald Trump? A bomb? A car crash? Poison? I don’t think they’re done trying and they have only a few months left to do it in.


Again, Putin is waving ICBMs around in an effort to frighten away the threat of getting rewarded for his behavior, as the Biden People (a new breed of semi-human I recently discovered and named) are about to give the okay to Ukraine to start lobbing their US-made long range missiles deep into Russia.

Putin wails that This Isn’t Fair, that only he should be able to use missiles like that, against Ukraine and of course anyone else he wants to blow up, and bluffs that if Ukraine sends NATO’s missiles into Russia, that means that it’s WAR, Eleanor, against all of NATO.

Please excuse my lighthearted take on all this, it’s just that he’s been threatening the world with nukes ever since his 3 day excursion into Ukraine turned into an endless and horribly costly battle for him, and the boy has cried wolf way too many times now.

Of course, the simple reality is that when you invade a nation that has allies, those allies have every right to defend their ally. That’s how it works. When you bomb that nation, they get to bomb you. It doesn’t matter where they get their bombs from, you can’t whine that “It isn’t fair because they didn’t have those bombs” when you invaded. They have them now and they get to use them, and if you even start trotting out your nuke launchers, they will be seen on satellite and bad things will happen very suddenly.

About those satellites, Putin isn’t going to actually use any nukes, he knows better, what he’s threatening to do instead is cut the transatlantic cables that carry Internet traffic. Did I mention Elon Musk’s Starlink system that now has over 6000 Internet satellites in low Earth orbit? No doubt cutting the cables will create some temporary interruptions in Internet traffic, while further enriching Mr. Musk with new subscribers.

Putin is using missiles to attack Ukraine instead of bombers because his bombers got blown out of the sky with the NATO anti-aircraft systems provided to Ukraine and Russia really doesn’t have so many aircraft that they can afford to use up attacking Ukraine with. That’s why it’s all missiles and ground attacks.

The anti-Ukraine propaganda centers mostly around the Nazi invasion in WW2 that drove out the Russian Communists from Ukraine, who were destroying the country. The Germans were seen as heroes for good reason and if some Ukrainians still see the Germans as being better than the Russians today, who could blame them? There are degrees of evil, and how you see them depends on how you were affected.

The US and their NATO allies are happy to keep escalating this war, as the profits from munitions manufacturing keep soaring, while all the damage and deaths happen far away, much of it to a nation that needs a major regime change.

Putin’s alliance with China will be the end of Russia as an independent nation. Once Russia is so weakened that Putin calls on Xi to help him, and he will, the Chinese army hordes will sweep in and never leave and there will be nothing he can do about it.

Remember Globalism? This is about Globalism. The planet is being divided up, between East and West. The next logical step in arriving at a global government is to reduce the number of nations to two. Like the two hemispheres of our brain, these two will find a beneficial balance. I know this because they already have. If you’re not sure about that, where was almost everything in your home made? Where were your clothes made? Your kid’s toys?

There’s only one Constant in life, and that’s Change.


Just saw a video of some piece of shit coal black Haitian so-called IMMIGRANT kill a young cat by biting holes in it and sucking it’s blood out until the poor little animal died. This is a Voodoo thing, these 10-I.Q. inbred fuckwits think they gain power by drinking the blood of living creatures, these things aren’t Human Beings and they’re wiping out all the pets, local livestock, ducks and geese in parks and anything else they can get hold of. They need to be killed before they start in on our babies and small children, BECAUSE THEY WILL.

I’m not posting a link to that video. You can’t unsee it and it’s not a good memory to have.

But follow it up with this one instead: Taylor Swift has just endorsed Kamala Harris, calling herself a “Childless cat lady” and showing this picture of herself and a cat, after the videos appearing on the Internet showing Haitians slaughtering people’s pets. The Internet is going a little nuts right now, the outrage sweeping our nation is almost a feeling in the air itself. I would normally wish no harm to that cat but right now I would dance in the street if some Haitian scum murdered it on a video and the world saw it. Taylor Swift, you stupid, stupid woman.


I don’t think Trump will live much longer. Just my thoughts. I didn’t bother watching the so-called “debate” debacle because it’s bullshit, US so-called “politics” are a fraud, and I knew this debate would not be even slightly fair, which it wasn’t. It was entirely geared to make Trump look as bad as possible and it succeeded. I watched about two minutes of a link to it, tonight, that was enough.

My thoughts are that if they can make him look bad enough and that cackling jackass alcoholic good enough, they won’t need to kill him before the fake election, but just put him in prison after it and “Epstein” him shortly after he gets there.

Donald Trump has the majority behind him though, and their efforts may fail, in which case, they might bump him off with another assassination try. I don’t think they’ll miss, a second time.


It’s another September 11th. Another affirmation of lies, another celebration of death and deceit, another repetition of a false story.

It’s true that a group of Muslims hijacked four commercial aircraft and used them as suicide bombs to attack the USA with, and that nearly 3000 people died because of it. But pretty much the rest of the story we’re told is a pack of lies.

15 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabians. Osama bin Laden was Saudi also, from a very wealthy and high ranking family with the Saud Royal Family. At the time of the attack, members of the Saud Royal Family and bin Laden family were being entertained at the Texas ranch of President Bush. After the attack hit the news, they were put on a private flight to Miami and from there, back home to Saudi Arabia.

There were various documented reports of this online, 23 years ago, which I referenced in my blog back then, but all have been been scrubbed from the Internet since then, or I would link to them now. Still, new evidence keeps coming to light proving that the highest levels of the Saudi government were involved in the attack.

From The Atlantic: “A new filing in a lawsuit brought by the families of 9/11 victims against the government of Saudi Arabia alleges that al-Qaeda had significant, indeed decisive, state support for its attacks. Officials of the Saudi government, the plaintiffs’ attorneys contend, formed and operated a network inside the United States that provided crucial assistance to the first cohort of 9/11 hijackers to enter the country.”

“The 71-page document, released in redacted form earlier this month, summarizes what the plaintiffs say they’ve learned through the evidence obtained in discovery and recently declassified materials. They allege that Saudi officials—most notably Fahad al-Thumairy, an imam at a Los Angeles mosque and an accredited diplomat at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in that city, and Omar al-Bayoumi, who masqueraded as a graduate student but was identified by the FBI as an intelligence operative—were not rogue operators but rather the front end of a conspiracy that included the Saudi embassy in Washington and senior government officials in Riyadh.”

After the attack, “Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office in a speech that laid out a key doctrine of his administration’s future foreign policy: “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.” This sudden change in policy paved the way for the attack on Iraq that halted their oil production, raising global oil prices and greatly increasing Saudi oil profits while eliminating a competitor. The excuse for the attack was that Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s dictator, had weapons of mass destruction he planned to use against the USA. It was a lie, he had nothing of the sort.

What is not a lie is that the Bush oil family had long been deeply in bed with the Saudis and the Royal Family. It’s not a lie that outrageous acts are deliberately committed or allowed to happen when they could be prevented, because they serve the hidden purposes of governments or their leaders.

The purpose of the attack by Saudi Arabia on America was arranged by them to enable George W. Bush to attack Iraq, through having a now willing, united and enraged America. 3000 people were sacrificed to achieve this and many more have died since from illnesses that resulted from the massive pollution. It was all blamed on the people of Afghanistan because that’s where Osama was living, so we sent troops there to kill and to die and spent vast sums of money doing it even as we ravaged Iraq and tore their nation to pieces to control their oil production. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died.

The fortune spent by the US government was money from taxes and tariffs, and spent on makers of war machines who rewarded certain people in government very handsomely for being given the contracts. Those of you who wonder how elected officials get so rich in office, that’s how. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste”. A lot of rich people became a lot richer as the result of the 9/11 attack while the Saudi government gained dramatically in power and wealth, and the problem of Islamic migration and it’s accompanying acts of terrorism increased.

The 9/11 attack was Saudi Arabia announcing their presence to the world as a new conqueror, with the willing collusion of our president and our Congress, whose only concern was how rich they might get by going along with it. This is what we celebrate with our yearly remembrances and memorials. Not an attack by a bunch of fanatic terrorists but a vast and successful conspiracy to increase Saudi power and wealth.


The German newspaper BILD has published a document they say was found on Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar’s computer that sheds light on the organization’s negotiation strategy, including psychological torture of hostage families.

It’s the final line of the report on this document that got my full attention, which is “BILD adds that the document makes no reference to the Philadelphi Corridor, despite it being a key sticking point in ongoing negotiations. “If it’s so crucial, it’s very strange it wasn’t included in the document“.

Yes, it is very strange. Could it be that Hamas is being so loud about this strip of land between Egypt and the Gaza Strip simply as a diversion? From what? The IDF says that there’s more tunnels to be found yet, and estimates are from 50% to 80% have been destroyed. Some of these tunnels are pretty deep into the earth, so, what if there’s a few really massive ones that reach well into Egypt, that could quickly re-supply Hamas once the war ends?

They wouldn’t want to chance using them now while IDF surveillance and soldiers are all over the place, and their current tactic seems to be to just keep fighting and prolonging this as long as possible to tire Israel out and use up their resources. What will stop them is a full military occupation of the Gaza Strip, which is the only way to prevent Hamas from re-forming and rebuilding, and what I fully expect Israel to implement.

Back to Diversion Tactics… Israel is being treated as the Center Of The Universe over their little war with Hamas when the US and the NATO nations are actively involved in helping Ukraine battle Russia, even as Ukraine forces are now well inside Russia and their drones are starting to batter the hell out of Russian infrastructure and aircraft.

So, could it be that the war in Israel is being prolonged to maintain a diversion from the much more globally important war going on in Russia/Ukraine? Is this the deal that the US and Israel have worked out? That the US, France and UK keep Israel supplied with arms and munitions, which they do pay for, in exchange for slowing down the defeat of Hamas? So most world attention will be focused on them?

Keeping that attention is easy to accomplish because most of the UN is run by Arab Muslims now, who hate the Jews and are happy to see lots of negative publicity directed toward them over “the unfortunate plight of the Palestinians”. They’re behind all the funding and organizing of all the protests against the war, and all the anti-Semitism.

While the small war does have large consequences, the big war in Ukraine has far more, because it’s steadily expanding as the USA and NATO become more involved.

The focus of the Leftist Main Stream Media will always point us toward what they want us to see instead of what we should be looking at. Be wary of what they say is important, it’s what they say little about that we need to pay more attention to.


Each little spot, square, circle, brown, red, yellow, green, represents a SANCTUARY in the USA where illegals can live and stay without fear of being deported, no matter what terrible crimes they commit, including murder.

Many of these are major cities like San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle. The different colors represent what it is, an entire city, an entire county of cities, and so on. Just refer to the legend in the upper right corner.

Illegal aliens, formerly called “undocumented migrants” and now just called migrants, and soon to be called Citizens, are the pampered guests of our government, given assisted, aided and abetted entry to our nation and preferential treatment over our own poorer citizens.

They’re handed welfare checks, food stamps and a free place to live, given free driver’s licenses and registered to vote, so that they’ll all vote Democrat, and most of them do even though there’s no apparent point to swelling our numbers like this at all except that it helps make it look a little more legitimate when another election is stolen.

Bringing millions of these people in, in such a hurry, is costing our government a fortune and using the excuse that they’re needed to vote Democrat to sway the elections just doesn’t hold water. They already control the elections.

The migrants are forming armed gangs in these sanctuary cities where the US citizens aren’t allowed to carry firearms, either concealed or openly, so they can’t defend themselves when attacked by the gangs and are robbed of their possessions and forced out of their homes. The police won’t come to their aid because they’re forbidden to arrest the migrants.

Allowing this to continue would ultimately end in anarchy and the collapse of the country but I don’t believe it will come to that. I think the real goal of letting our nation decay in this manner is to provide the excuse to create a permanent Martial Law condition, to take over and establish a police state.

Why else bring in millions of unvetted foreigners and allow them free rein to roam the country, feed them, house them, protect them from prosecution, refuse to deport them no matter what they do, prevent the police from arresting them….. You’d have to be an idiot not to see what will come of this.

The story about all those bikers going to Aurora, Colorado to fight a Venezuelan gang may be false. Even if it is, it’s a prophecy of the future.


Just spend several hours searching Amazon, Walmart and the other big online retailers for a good recliner chair. It didn’t take long before my personal preference list was shortened to just a few things. Price, seat depth, and decent reviews. That’s because all of them are made overseas now and each and every one is a piece of shoddy shit. If you don’t believe me, go look at reviews for these, yourself.

On Amazon and Walmart you see this line of stars where the reviews are, and most of them have 4 stars or less. 4 stars is what they say is the average of all the reviews. The very ROUGH average. The actual percentage of 5 star reviews runs 50 to 60 percent on pretty much all of them, and the 1 star reviews are 10% or more. A good product should have at least 80% 5 stars and no more than 2% 1 star. If these were all made in the USA, most of them would be rated like that.

Anything under $300 will fall apart in months, and even the ones insanely priced at $1200 and higher still have poor reviews for bad parts, bad construction, this, that and the other failure. They do have good reviews with the bad, it’s the percentage of each that makes the difference on deciding which to buy, and after looking at hundreds of them and reading their claims, I’ve decided not to buy any of them.

Even if I did find one that fit my needs, was priced fairly and had good reviews, there’s always the cancer thing. Every single listing included a warning that “This product has cancer causing chemicals”. How do they get away with selling something to us that can give us cancer? Follow the $$$$$$$$$.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and find a good American made recliner in some used furniture store. Wish me good luck.